A Tantrum

When I was a very small child I threw some EPIC, award-winning fits.  I generally expected to get my way and when I didn’t the frustration overpowered me. 

The last few week’s have been JAM packed.  I feel overwhelmed, pressured, frustrated and annoyed on a regular basis.  It’s finals for my electives – and the first week of classes for my last 400 level course in college.  Band and football season are both in full swing, we have unplanned work coming up with scouts, and the garage floor was re-surfaced last weekend.  It just seems as though everything is happening at once.  If I thought it would help I would throw a tantrum.  As it is I am trying to keep a tight lock on my mean thoughts to keep them from escaping and hurting anyone’s feelings.  I think it is time for a BREAK!

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